Datsun Roadster Parts from Rallye Enterprises, Ltd.


If considering a new hood, be sure to read the "surface coating" paragraph on the sheet metal info page or at the bottom of this page.


top: 1969-70

bottom:1965-68 1600/2000


Bolt hole center to center, approx.

all 1500 2 & 1/16"
65-68 1 & 3/4"
69-70 3 & 1/8"

The 69 and 70 models use a latch that has a safety hook that has to be released by hand before opening the hood, after releasing the latch by pulling the hood knob. The 63-64 1500 is the same as the 65-68 1600/2000 except the bolt holes are a little farther apart.


63-67 1/2

On 63-67s this bracket is on the right side, on 67 1/2 models it is on the left side. The sliding track is on the inner fender.


This is located on the left side on all cars. These brackets can be modifed to use these hoods on older cars.

Surface Coating.
Although these parts were all primer coated by the factory, primer wasn't intended to be a 30-35 year preservative. What this means is that on many parts the surfaces have begin to show rust discoloration or spots. On most fenders there isn't much of a problem yet, it seems to be present on hoods to a much greater degree. A lot of the hoods have some amount of surface rust, especially on the backsides. If you are trying to get around sanding one completely(a mistake) or for any reason are concerned when you get to the point that you want to order one I can post or email a picture of a particular one. Regardless of what does or does not show, I'd recommend you sand these down anyway. Primer quality has improved in the last 30 years!

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