. . See
General 68-70 Softop Frame Info
Before Ordering big
pic big
pic 68-70
1600 2000 Other
parts are described on the top frame info
page and listed if available on either the
pages in the NEW PARTS or USED PARTS sections; or on the
page. 65-67.5
SPL 310 SPL311 - SRL311 - SOFTOP FRAME from Rallye
Roadster Softop Frame from Rallye Enterprises, Ltd.
top frame is still in good shape (rare) from the looks of
the OUTSIDE of the front bow. It is still stiff so I
doubt very much it has even started to crack. If you
wanted to check for sure you could have a professional
upholsterer oh-so-carefully remove the intact late style
improved bow pad-upholstery I suppose. I won't; it is too
rare for my ham-fisted antics to get near it. Also has 3
top latches. All are in good shape except I think one of
them needs one of the pins threaded through and then
squeezed on both ends to keep it in place. It has surface
rust on the front bow; common even in drier areas from
the condensation between the top material and the
bow.Also has the 70 style edge welting on it. See
information on top differences and matching a top to a
frame. This is a 69-70 frame. No big deal on a 68; but
read the info on the frame info page.