the past we ordered many parts in a 5 or 10 year stock
plan. With many of the parts this is no longer
possible as more and more sources of the original
Nissan items dry up. Parts still somehow appear from
time to time but it is getting more rare. We get many
more emails now where someone says "I saw something on
your website last week/month and now it is not there;
are there any more?"
is 45 years since the last roads ter rolled off the
assembly floor and we have been VERY fortunate Nissan
made so many parts; but they are going away at an
alarming rate. Some items have had their prices jacked
by Nissan to an unbelieve level; not just expensive;
MIND BENDING; many on the order of 10 times the
previous price. Those items we do not order anymore.
In some cases we were able to negotiate a price about
the time of the change for a small quantity that was
beneficial; and by this we were able to keep most of
the prices near what they had been. As with so many
things we have; stock is limited to what we
what I am saying is if you want to get something;
waiting may be an error...
to the UPDATE:
inventory purchase and control method we have used
these past decades has been simple. "Get it now; get
all of it while you can or you'll wish you did."
Insane for most businesses to operate in this manner
but it has served us well over the years We have
finally made the decision to get actual control over
it and am in that process in the hopes of reducing the
many places we have stuff stashed.
have been reducing prices wherever possible to make it
easier for people to buy stuff and in some cases that
has hurried things out of here at a faster rate than
we wanted. We will continue to do this. Sometimes it
is noted by a red "Special
note or "3
for $___".
Usually these come and go as we get closer to having
what I feel is a correct amount of parts on hand.
Other reduced prices may be just a normal "in black"
price we will move down (and hopefully not back up) to
get the out-the-door flow what we want.
of the Red
Price Deals
are "You Tell Us"; they aren't in the pricelist
I use everyday and I don't go look it up on the
website when I fill an order. If you don't mention it
with the order the item(s) will be at whatever the
listed "usual" price is and it is a done deal. No
"rainchecks" or alterations after that point; it is
your choice to mention it or not. And as mentioned
above; those can be there one day and not the next;
there is no time duration. I've done these price chops
with some parts and had a huge chunk of stuff
disappear within a day or two; other items' stock
levels drop slowly over months! I could roll dice and
get as good an answer to what will happen when a price
drops as any sales history I have in my head or in the
some cases with some used item we have actually
started scrapping stuff; or made individual deals to
bulk ship stuff to people with multiple projects in
the works.
and more reduced price odd parts are being put up on
the "Odds and Ends" page or in some cases being put in
the regular sections since many people just won't look
at the "Odds and Ends" page. I hate to do that because
then you have parts disappearing and appearing on the
regular parts listings fairly rapidly.
important thing to remember is that many things we
have are now no longer available so when we sell what
we have; that is it.
ordering, be sure to mention it if you are ordering a
part that the website says is wrong for your car. If
you don't we may assume you made a mistake and not
send it.
you want to place an order contigent on availability
of a certain item(s), you need to email. It's
impossible to call and check this as there is always a
1-5 day batch of orders AHEAD of yours, this
information is not available to whoever has the phone
that day, I have to check your inquiry against the
orders in the works at night. If you are told on the
phone the order should go out in X days that does NOT
mean it necessarily will be complete only that we can
ship out what we have AT THAT TIME. If you aren't just
emailing the whole order in you can email me before or
after and I can do a check on what's what for you. If
I've emailed that we have something 98% of the time it
will be set aside until your order is processed during
the next night(s).
not infallible in this regard, but I know when you are
planning a repair or upgrade event you'd like to know
what the situation is with the parts and I will do my
best to provide it.
isn't some huge company with rows of people in
cubicles feeding data into machines. (Remember, this
is a DATSUN ROADSTER business, not a MUSTANG
business!) If you are not going to order it
IMMEDIATELY don't bother to check availability, as
even an hour can make a big difference in any
particular part. Maybe we'll get more in, maybe not.
Lately it's been more "not".
on items varies from "a lifetime supply" to "last one
left yesterday." There are always orders in the works
and things do run out, sometimes to never be seen
again. If it's a critical repair part and your car is
down we can at the least get back to you if there is a
problem. Parts are going in and out of here at a fast
clip, if we don't have one of the parts you asked
about for a week I don't consider that a "problem".
We're always happy to ship your order in 3 pieces of
that's what you want, it's YOUR money. I don't
guarantee that anything shown on this website will be
available when you want it. In July 2000, the rate
that parts evaporate from Japan's parts bins increased
dramatically. The increase in sales we've had the past
few years has only quickened that pace.
try to remove the price for items we KNOW are going to
be out of stock for over a month or more, but there
always isn't time to do this. We can have 50 of an
item one day and a month later have none so I have to
say that any parts shown or listed are for
entertainment and information value only! As far as
availability goes, NOTHING IS FOR SURE!
available per sale may be restricted at any time. At
any time any particular part may only be available in
a multi-part kit. This may or may not show on the
website. We will advise of this when you order or
inquire via email. I try to keep this site updated,
but to be honest after spending hours trying to make
this site look the same when viewed by six different
computer operating system/browser combinations, I
sometimes think I'd be happier growing strawberries
for a living. All that being said, we've got a whole
bunch of parts and will do our best to get them to
hate saying junk like the following; but in 2014 it
must be said.
reserve the right to refuse service to ANYONE for ANY
reason. The reason will not be given; just that we
feel things are best served if we both go our separate
ways. This isn't done lightly but there is a certain
amount of something I can only describe as ugliness in
the world and I don't want to be near it
I will say is any denial of service WILL NEVER be
based on your race, religion, ethnicity, gender,
political preference or anything like that. If in the
future we decide to stop shipping to your country; it
is out of frustration and will still GLADLY work with
anyone doing your shipping for you.
parts get scarce we may restrict certain parts to
sales where similar parts are purchased at the same
time. This may or may not be described on the
website overrules the old catalog; a current email or
phone call overrules the website and an EMAIL after
time to think OVERRULES A PHONE CALL if need be.
That's why I like emails; everybody knows what was and
was not said.
I have said before; this website IS NOT LEGALLY AN
OFFER TO SELL; it is just put up for my own